The final step for the purchase of a property is the notarial deed. At the deed, the selling party is given the sum of money in settlement of the agreed price and, at the same time, the selling party will have to deliver the keys of the property to the buyer: but what happens after the signing of the deed? Let's try to clarify.
After signing the notarial deed, it is necessary to proceed with three main requirements: registration with the Revenue Agency, cadastral registration and transcription at the land registry. Today, in the computer age, all three of these obligations take place electronically, through the compilation of a form, the Single Computer Model (MUI). With the compilation of the MUI, the notarial deed is registered with the Revenue Agency, signed and transcribed at the Real Estate Registry. The customer will thus be facilitated in the procedures and will not have to worry about anything! It will be the notary later, through the presentation of the MUI, to communicate to all interested parties that the sale has been carried out. In the event that the property purchased is part of a condominium, it will not be the notary who will contact the administrator, but it will be sufficient for him to be given the certificate of the deed.
In order to pay the taxes due, it is necessary to proceed with the registration of the deed with the Revenue Agency. If you buy a property as a private individual, these amount to 2% of the cadastral value as a first home and 9% as a second home. For the registration and transfer the taxes are fixed. If, on the other hand, you buy from a business, the deed will be subject to VAT, to be paid to the seller, and you will therefore pay a 4% when the first home and 10% when a second home, plus fixed taxes (registry, mortgage and cadastral ).
Fulfilling the transcription of the notarial deed in the registers of the Conservatory is a very important step, as it makes the deed opposable to third parties. By law, the deadline for registering the deed with the Revenue Agency, transcribing it in the registers and implementing the transfers is 30 days from the date of the deed, but it is always advisable to carry out these operations within the shortest possible time. to avoid any type of risk for the buyer. Let's take an example to make the importance of this step clear:
“Let's say we are faced with two trades, in which the same asset is sold first to one subject and then to another. The owner becomes the first subject, because he is the first to have purchased, but if the day after the property is sold to a second subject and this person carries out the transcription first, the sale is not opposable to him, with the consequence that in front of the third parties, the owner is the second subject and not the first, who instead bought the previous day. Being in front of a distracted subject or a scammer, in fact, is a marginal hypothesis. But beware of any injurious inscriptions or transcripts. For example, if, two or three days after the sale of a property, a mortgage or a foreclosure is registered against the person who sold it and the sale has not yet been recorded in the Real Estate Registers, the buyer - who is still he is not the owner - he has acquired a property with a formality, which he can oppose, which was not known at the time of stipulation. " (source
The cadastral transfer communicates that the owner of a particular property, having been sold, is no longer the same person but another. The model must therefore be presented to update the cadastral headings for tax reasons. The Land Registry, in fact, is used to identify the fiscal ownership of a property and thus know through the annuities the tax base for the payments of property taxes (such as IMU and TARI).
These are therefore three simple steps which, however, are of fundamental importance. The Agenzia Immobiliare Pietrasanta, with Sabrina and her team, is always available to its customers to clarify any kind of doubt or perplexity about the stages of the sale, to follow you step by step towards the realization of your real estate dream.
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